Our goal in creating crews is to see the community of Catalyst grow deeper in their faith, to equip them in their relationship with Jesus, to show people that they belong, to grow in community, and to grow in God’s word. Our hope and prayer is that through these groups God would grow and multiply each member to live out their spiritual gifts and influence others for God’s Kingdom.

Crews are usually gatherings of 6 or less people (Gender Specific), predominantly meet weekly, however some meet bi-weekly and actively encourage the implementation of spiritual disciplines. Crews works to facilitate a multiplying culture of believers who don’t want to settle with a Sunday morning consumer faith, but to live with a faith that is moving and active.

If this at all sparks your interest or you have a heart to grow deeper in your relationship with God, please Email Pastor Fozzy at 
[email protected]

Discipling believers towards a R.E.A.L. relationship with God.

What is a R.E.A.L. disciple?
A problem we often see within the church is a struggle among believers to have growing and authentic relationships, both with God and with others. When we go to church we put smiles on our faces and look happy, but when we get back home we struggle to find hope in life’s difficult situations. All the while the world around us is reminding us of our shortcomings and the things we lack compared to everyone else. This is a weight that is too much to carry on our own, and it is why we need that relationship with God and with each other.
We were not meant to go through life alone; we were created to have a R.E.A.L. relationship with God. This relationship is one that is honest, gives us hope, changes our perspective, and is not changed by the world around us. It is built on God’s Word, is active in its pursuit of Him, and is active in sharing the truth with others.

R – Reverence for God
We honor and show reverence toward God by following Him with all that we are. We live this out through worship, through passionate pursuit, in our sacred spaces, and in building an honest and truthful relationship with Him.
Deuteronomy 10:12, 1 Corinthians 10:31, Colossians 3:17

E – Enduring Habits
We seek to be healthy in all aspects of our lives by creating healthy habits and disciplines in our relationships, in our mental health, in our physical health, and in our spiritual health. These things ultimately help us grow to maturity in God.
Romans 12:1-2, Deuteronomy 6:4-9, Matthew 22:37-39

A – Attitude for Adversity
We desire to reflect Christ in every area of our lives, turning toward Him in all circumstances. We seek Him in pain and in sorrow, in joy and in gladness; remembering that He is our hope, and not allowing the tribulations of this world to turn us away from Him.
Habakkuk 3:17-18, Job 13:15, Colossians 3:2-3, Isaiah 41:13

L – Life-Long Impact
We seek to inspire people who have been so changed by their relationship with God that they work to leave a legacy of believers behind them. Through evangelism, love, and discipleship, these believers use their unique gifts to teach and inspire others, creating a multiplication cycle of discipleship that carries out the mission of God.
2 Timothy 2:1-3, Psalm 46:10, Matthew 28:18-20, John 8:31-32, John 13:34-35

Come Join our Community!


If you want to connect and grow with other broken believers then you are in the right place. If you are interested in joining a Crew click the "Join A Crew" button below and we will contact you. 

If you are already a Crew Leader or would like to become one, we have a guide for what it looks like to be a leader and content for you to use in your crew. Click the "Crew Leaders Guide" for more.  

Other Gatherings


Classes, as you might expect, take a more traditional classroom approach. They are between 4 and 6 weeks long, they will meet usually after service on Sundays and they will be free for anyone to attend. Classes will cover all kinds of topics like Spanish classes, Finances, Marriage, Leadership, How to Study the Bible, and End Times classes. They are spread out throughout the year so download our app and receive updates as we place them on the calendar.