At Catalyst Kids our hope is that by walking along side parents, we can help each child nurture their relationship with Jesus Christ.

Whether this is your child's first time ever going to church or they have been raised in the church, we know they are going to have a great time in Catalyst Kids!  On Sundays, our adult leaders help your child discover Gods daily presence in their life through creative arts, friendships, relevant Bible teaching, and lively discussions.
We create a loving, quiet and calming environment for our littlest babies.  We might play soft music, put out blankets to lie on, or use bouncers for a change of scenery.  We understand infants are new and precious, so we care for them as lovingly as a good friend would.  As babies grow, they are learning to sit up, crawl, walk, and explore on their own.  We provide busy and active areas as well as soft and tranquil areas in our nursery.
We want our preschoolers to have fun, learn and grow together at Catalyst Kids.Therefore, classroom consistency and relational boundaries are essential to making this the best hour of their week. Our teachers follow a similar format,with subtle changes, each week so every child knows what to expect and can fully enjoy our time with them.
At this age, children really begin to own their faith and discover the wonder of God's story, the truth of the Gospel, and what it means to follow Jesus.  This is where partnering with parents and developing intentional relationships become as important as the classroom content.
Have some more questions?  Feel free to check out our Kids FAQ page.
Sometimes our Kid Check-In center can get a little line going, so if Sunday will be your first weekend save yourself some time and pre-register your child.  Simply fill out this form and when you arrive go straight to the “First Time Family” area of the Kid Check-In counter.